


To set a time limit on your page, add timeout_seconds:

class Page1(Page):
    timeout_seconds = 60

After the time runs out, the page auto-submits.

If you are running the production server (prodserver), the page will always submit, even if the user closes their browser window. However, this does not occur if you are running the development server (zipserver or devserver).

If you need the timeout to be dynamically determined, use get_timeout_seconds.


You can check if the page was submitted by timeout:

class Page1(Page):
    form_model = 'player'
    form_fields = ['xyz']
    timeout_seconds = 60

    def before_next_page(player, timeout_happened):
        if timeout_happened:
            # you may want to fill a default value for any form fields,
            # because otherwise they may be left null.
            player.xyz = False


This is a more flexible alternative to timeout_seconds, so that you can make the timeout depend on player, player.session, etc.

For example:

class MyPage(Page):

    def get_timeout_seconds(player):
        return player.my_page_timeout_seconds

Or, using a custom session config parameter (see Choosing which treatment to play).

def get_timeout_seconds(player):
    session = player.session

    return session.config['my_page_timeout_seconds']

Advanced techniques

Forms submitted by timeout

If a form is auto-submitted because of a timeout, oTree will try to save whichever fields were filled out at the time of submission. If a field in the form has an error because it is missing or invalid, it will be set to 0 for numeric fields, False for boolean fields, and the empty string '' for string fields.

If you want to discard the auto-submitted values, you can just check if timeout_happened, and if so, overwrite the values.

If the error_message() function fails, then the whole form might be invalid, so the whole form will be discarded.

Timeouts that span multiple pages

You can use get_timeout_seconds to create timeouts that span multiple pages, or even the entire session. The trick is to define a fixed “expiration time”, and then on each page, make get_timeout_seconds return the number of seconds until that expiration time.

First, choose a place to start the timer. This could be a page called “Start” that displays text like “Press the button when you’re ready to start”. When the user clicks the “next” button, before_next_page will be executed:

class Start(Page):

    def before_next_page(player, timeout_happened):
        participant = player.participant
        import time

        # remember to add 'expiry' to PARTICIPANT_FIELDS.
        participant.expiry = time.time() + 5*60

(You could also start the timer in after_all_players_arrive or creating_session, and it could be stored in a session field if it’s the same for everyone in the session.)

Then, each page’s get_timeout_seconds should be the number of seconds until that expiration time:

class Page1(Page):

    def get_timeout_seconds(player):
        participant = player.participant
        import time
        return participant.expiry - time.time()

When time runs out, get_timeout_seconds will return 0 or a negative value, which will result in the page loading and being auto-submitted right away. This means all the remaining pages will quickly flash on the participant’s screen, which is usually undesired. So, you should use is_displayed to skip the page if there’s not enough time for the participant to realistically read the whole page.

def get_timeout_seconds(player):
    participant = player.participant
    import time
    return participant.expiry - time.time()

class Page1(Page):
    get_timeout_seconds = get_timeout_seconds

    def is_displayed(player):
        return get_timeout_seconds(player) > 3

The default text on the timer says “Time left to complete this page:”. But if your timeout spans multiple pages, you should word it more accurately, by setting timer_text:

class Page1(Page):

    timer_text = 'Time left to complete this section:'

    def get_timeout_seconds(player):

Customizing the timer

Hiding the timer

If you want to hide the timer, use this CSS:

.otree-timer {
    display: none;

Changing the timer’s behavior

The timer’s functionality is provided by jQuery Countdown. You can change its behavior by attaching and removing event handlers with jQuery’s .on() and off().

oTree sets handlers for the events update.countdown and finish.countdown, so if you want to modify those, you can detach them with off(), and/or add your own handler with on(). The countdown element is .otree-timer__time-left.

For example, to hide the timer until there is only 10 seconds left,

    .otree-timer {
        display: none;

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
        $('.otree-timer__time-left').on('update.countdown', function (event) {
            if (event.offset.totalSeconds === 10) {

To avoid copy-pasting this code on every page, put it in an includable template.

Note: even if you turn off the finish.countdown event handler, the page will still be submitted on the server side. So, instead you should use the technique described in Timeout that doesn’t submit the page.

Timeout that doesn’t submit the page

If you just want a soft timeout, you don’t need to use the built-in timer at all. Instead, make your own with JavaScript, for example:

    function () {
        alert("Time has run out. Please make your decision.");
    60*1000 // 60 seconds