oTree Lite

oTree 5 is based on oTree Lite, a new implementation of oTree that runs as a self-contained framework, not dependent on Django.

oTree Lite’s codebase is simpler and more self-contained. This makes it easier for me to add new features, investigate bug reports, and keep oTree simple to use.

Django comes with many features “out of the box”, so being based on Django initially helped oTree add new features and iterate quickly. However, Django brings complexity and restrictions. In the long run, the “framework inside a framework” approach becomes more of a liability.

Other advantages of oTree Lite:

  • Simpler error messages
  • Fewer dependencies such as Twisted that cause installation problems for some people
  • Compatible with more versions of Python
  • No need for Redis or second dyno
  • Better performance

For the curious people who want to delve into oTree’s internal source code, you will have an easier time navigating oTree Lite.

How can I ensure I stay on oTree 3.x?

To ensure that you don’t install oTree Lite, you can specify <5 when you upgrade:

pip3 install -U "otree<5"

For Heroku, use one of the following formats in your requirements.txt (replace 3.3.7 with whatever 3.x version you want):

# or:
# or:



I have set up a live chat on Discord to assist people upgrading from previous versions of oTree to oTree Lite.

oTree Lite is generally compatible with previous oTree apps. However, you will probably see small things that changed, especially in how forms and templates are rendered. This is somewhat inevitable as oTree has undergone a “brain transplant”. Please send any feedback to chris@otree.org.

Here are the most important differences:


The template system is basically compatible with Django templates, except that only the basic tags & filters have been implemented:

  • Tags: {{ if }}, {{ for }}, {{ block }}
  • Filters: {{ x|json }}, {{ x|escape }}, {{ x|c }}, {{ x|default("something") }}

There is no floatformat filter, but there are new rounding filters that replace it. For example:

{{ pi|floatformat:0 }} -> {{ pi|to0 }}
{{ pi|floatformat:1 }} -> {{ pi|to1 }}
{{ pi|floatformat:2 }} -> {{ pi|to2 }}

The |safe filter and mark_safe are not needed anymore, because the new template system does not autoescape content. However, if you want to escape content (e.g. displaying an untrusted string to a different player), you should use the |escape filter.

Method calls must be at the end of the expression, and not followed by more dots. For example, if you have a Player method called other_player(), you can do:

Your partner is {{ player.other_player }}

But you cannot do:

Your partner's decision was {{ player.other_player.decision }}


In templates, if you are doing manual form rendering, you should change {% form.my_field.errors %} to {{ formfield_errors 'my_field' }}.

Older oTree formats

oTree Lite does not implement support for certain features found in older oTree projects. To check you should run otree update_my_code, which will tell you the changes you need to make before your code can run on oTree Lite. (It will also fix a few things automatically.)

A few common issues:

  • The Slider widget is unavailable. You should instead use 原始HTML控件 (which has been the recommended solution anyway)


Since bootstrap 5 beta just got released, I included it in this package. Certain things are different from bootstrap 4; consult the bootstrap migration docs. In my experience the main things that differed are:

  • data-* attributes are renamed to data-bs-*
  • form-group no longer exists


  • In get_group_matrix returns a matrix of integers, rather than a matrix of player objects. To preserve the previous behavior, you should pass objects=True, like .get_group_matrix(objects=True).
  • Translating an app to multiple languages works differently. See Localization.
  • If you try to access a Player/Group/Subsession field whose value is still None, oTree will raise an error. More details here: field_maybe_none.


This new implementation does not use Django or Channels in any way. So, it will not run any code you got from Django documentation, such as Django views, ModelForms, ORM, etc.